Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Crazy news!

Well, it's official, I am moving to TEXAS!
I am going to be VERY sad to leave my family, friends, and clients. I have enjoyed every moment that I have been here!
I will be continuing my photography business in TX. I am sure there will be awesome opportunities there and I can't wait!
I hope that you continue to pop in every now and then to check out my work. I also want you to know that I will be sending out group emails announcing my trips back up here, so if you want you can still book shoots with me! If you would like to be included in that email list, please let me know! send me a quick note @
I greatly appreciate the response that I have had with my business and I want to thank each of your for your support. It is so rewarding what I do, but I couldn't do it with all of you, SO THANK YOU! ! ! ! ! !
Well, it has been a long while since I have posted anything on my shoots, so I have updated (See below posts) and I have a few more to post soon, so stay tuned!
Sincerely, Jenn


Andrea said...

Okay! You're amazing!! I know we don't know eachother super well, but once an OHS Tiger...always an OHS Tiger!! I got to your blog through Karli's and I am lovin all your pictures. I've seen a few of them before from Marcee, so I already knew you were talented, but wow! So, when are moving? Are ya gone yet. I'll be there in a couple weeks for our 10 year reunion (yikes) and I would LOVE for to have a family shoot with you if you're available. Any way, let me know. my email address is Even if you can't, I just had to tell you what a talent you have, and thanks for sharing it!!!! Andrea:)