Monday, September 29, 2008

Engagement Shoot!

Congratulations Dusty & Danielle! It was a ton of fun to shoot your engagement guys look fabulous! And I am totally stoked to shoot your wedding next summer! Again, congrats to you both.
Thanks for choosing me as your photographer!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birthday Shoot

What a fun time we had at this shoot! Olivia turned 1, so OF COURSE we had to do some pics! Here are some of my faves of her and her brother, Lucas. They are adorable!


Happy first birthday, Olivia! You are a such a cutie-pie....even with that cake all over your face!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Ryder was born Sunday evening at 6:40 pm! He weighed 7lbs 13oz, and was 21 inches long! He is absolutely *adorable* and we are excited for him to be here. CONGRATULATIONS Ashley and Oliver!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Heavenly Rays

These were taken out my back door... It was one of the most beautiful evening skies I have ever seen. I am SO glad I captured it.
...and the Heaven's were opened...