Happy 1 Year Birthday to Baby J~

The M-family Shoot!

Fitting for the month of February, don't you think? LOL! Well, I am still here...I haven't left...just been a little busy :) It is a lot harder than some people may think to keep up a website, a business blog, personal blog, a business Facebook and a personal facebook...let alone have anytime for anything else! But busy is good :) So, without further adue.....
TEXAS IS GREAT!! But man, there is some weird weather here!!! One may think "Ahhh...Texas.....sunny. Warm. SOUTH..... Snow?" Yes, that is right. It has snowed more here this winter than it ever has. Either this global warming thing's got everything twisted or that fluffy white cold stuff followed me here ;) It is snowing right now and we are working on about 4 inches and it is still coming down. Either way, I am SO ready for spring! Because of this uncertain weather I haven't had too many outdoor shoots since January...mostly just newborn stuff inside. However, I have had a couple just the last couple of weeks that we squeezed in when the sun came out and they were lots of fun! So I hope you enjoyed these and I hope to be posting shoots more regularly as the weather starts to cooperate :)